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Clicking the Reports button on the student's screen will open the Reports window where you can select one report from the list to be created.

The reports will only include the students listed based on your filters, starting from the current list page. (e.g., if you are on page 2, all students from page 1 will be excluded).

Please note that the reports have different limits on the number of students included, depending on their structure and complexity. After you select a report, please confirm its limits on the info message at the bottom.

Report format

All reports are exported in Microsoft Excel format (xlsx).

Reports list

Exam Tracker

Export of the Exam Tracker data (exam dates and scores) for each selected student.

Homework MCQ First Attempt

First attempt response on each Homework MCQ for all modules of the selected section/unit.

Homework Performance

Average performance of the group of students up to the module level. The information is split between the different content types and also shows the difference in performance between the first and last attempts.

Mini Exams Answers

This report shows the distribution of the student answers to each Mini Exam question, with the correct answer as reference. It includes a sheet with the details for each student, with their answers to each question.

Mini Exams Performance

Average performance of the group of students on each Mini Exam, with data drill down to units and modules. The information is split between the different content types and considers the results for the first, last, or best attempt of each student (chosen before launching the report).

Mini Exams Score

Scores export (first, last, or best) of the Mini Exams, with reference to the time spent and date of execution. Includes a sheet with the exam details for each student.

Performance Dashboard

The Performance Dashboard report shows each student's Progress and EDR percentages up to the selected level of details: section, unit or module.

Performance Dashboard (Final Review)

The Final Review Performance Dashboard report shows each student's Progress and EDR percentages from CPA Final Review up to the selected level of details: section, unit or module.

Simulated Exams Answers

This report shows the distribution of the student answers to each Simulated Exam question, with the correct answer as reference. It includes a sheet with the details for each student, with their answers to each question.

Simulated Exams Performance

Average performance of the group of students on each Simulated Exam, with data drill down to units and modules. The information is split between the different content types and considers the results for the first, last, or best attempt of each student (chosen before launching the report).

Simulated Exams Score

Scores export (first, last, or best) of the Simulated Exams, with reference to the time spent and date of execution. Includes a sheet with the exam details for each student.

Simulated Exams Score (Final Review)

Scores export (first, last, or best) of the Final Review Simulated Exams, with reference to the time spent and date of execution. Includes a sheet with the exam details for each student.

Students List

Basic student export, including all fields visible on the list, as well additional information like affiliation and study time.

Study Time

Shows all the accumulated time spent on studying each Unit, Module, and Exam. Module details can be optionally included.


Allows the number of hours students spent on the course for each day of the selected period.