Add Students
Most students are assigned automatically to your tenant based on contract information. But for the special situations where the automatic process is not able to cover it, Navigator allows Tenant Admins, or specific users, to manually add students to the tenant.
To add students to your tenant:
- On the student page, click the Add Students button on the upper right hand side.
- Input student email addresses into the text box.
- You can enter multiple email addresses as long as they are separated with spaces, commas or line breaks.
- The student email address must be the same email address the student used to register for Becker.
- You can tag the group of students you are adding at this time by clicking on the checkbox next to the appropriate tag.
- Click Add
- You will get an error message if any students aren't added because they already exist or the accounts were not found/valid.
You can bulk add one or multiple tags to the students you’re manually adding, but keep in mind that they will share the same tags. If needed, split the list of students into smaller groups by the tags you want to add them and run the Add Students multiple times. (Please check Tag Management)
- If your university/firm/company has a agreement with Becker, students that enroll through the agreement should automatically show up in Navigator after they register and login to their Becker course for the first time.
- There can be a slight delay between when a student registers for Becker and when they can be added to Navigator. Please ensure the student can login to their Becker course before attempting to add them to Navigator.
- Navigator defaults to only showing students with active licenses. Please change the filter on the right-hand search menu if you want to view students with expired licenses.
- The student email address must be the same email address the student used to register for Becker.
- If you still cannot add a student after verifying their email address and that they can login to their Becker course successfully, please reach out to your Becker representative for assistance.
Bulk Change
The Bulk Change action, under the Action menu, allows changing two students' attributes in bulk: tags and visibility.
You can run a bulk action on top of all the students in your list, limit it just to the students on the current page of the list, or individually choose students from the current page of the list.