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This is the place, as a Tenant Admin, where you can manage your tenant users.

To add a user click the New User button at the top and fill in the requested information.

Tenant Admin

The Tenant Admin is a role with administrative access to Navigator.

Admins can manage all the tenant settings (users and tags), add students, and edit their attributes.

Tenant User

The Tenant User is the lowest role of a tenant, limited by default to a read-only access to Navigator.

Optionally, you can set the following permissions/restrictions:

  • Limited access to tags: by default, a tenant user can access all students from all tags. Use this area to limit the tags the user should have access to.
  • Allow adding students: enable/disable the ability to manually add students to the tenant (default: disabled).
  • Unsubscribe email notfiications: enable/disable email notifications (default: enabled).