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What is Progress?

Becker Exam Review progress is measure by:

  • Percentage of correct answers from all Homework MCQ sessions
  • Percentage of correct answers from all Homework TBS sessions (CPA-only)
  • Percentage of correct answers from all Homework Essay sessions (CMA-only)

Progress can be measured at any course level: Section, Unit, and Module.

Please note that Mini Exams, Simulated Exams and Practice Tests are not accountable for the course progress.

What is EDR?

Exam Day Ready (EDR) is a course achievement with the following criteria:

  • 80%+ of concept videos completion on each unit
  • 80%+ of correct answers on MCQs, TBSs (CPA-only), and Essays (CMA-only) on each unit
  • 50%+ of correct answers on all Mini Exams (CPA-only) and Simulated Exams

Students get "Exam Day Ready" when they fullfill all the above criteria.

How is EDR calculated?

Exam Day Ready (EDR) is a derivation of the course progress, adjusted to the 80% threshold established.

This article explains how EDR is calculated at the Module, Unit, Exam, and Section levels.

Module EDR

The module EDR is the average progress of all the module elements (Concept Videos, MCQs, TBSs/Essays) if all the module elements reach the 80% milestone. If at least one element does not reach 80%, any value above 80% is fixed to 80%.

Given the example of a module with the following progresses:

  • Concept Videos: 100%
  • MCQs: 100%
  • TBSs: 90%

Module EDR = AVG (1.0; 1.0; 0.9) = 97%

The average of each element's progress percentage was used because all the values were above the 80% milestone. But if instead we had:

  • Concept Videos: 0%
  • MCQs: 100%
  • TBSs: 90%

Module EDR = AVG (0; 0.8; 0.8) = 53%

Since at least one module element, the Concept Videos, has not reached the EDR milestone of 80%, then all the other values above 80% are adjusted to a maximum of 80%:

  • MCQs: 100% > 80%
  • TBSs: 90% > 80%

Unit EDR

The Unit’s EDR is the average EDR of all its modules, adjusted to a max of 80% if any module has not reached 80%.

Mini Exams / Simulated Exams EDR

Mini Exams and Simulated Exams reach EDR by obtaining at least a score of 50%.

To be able to calculate the section EDR as an average of all units and exams EDR %, the exam scores are converted to an EDR percentage by converting a score of 50% to the same 80% threshold.


  • If score < 50% then = progress x 1.6
  • If score >= 50% then = 0.6 + progress * 0.4


  • Score 25% > EDR = 0.25 x 1.6 = 40%
  • Score 50% > EDR = 0.6 + 0.5 x 0.4 = 80%
  • Score 75% > EDR = 0.6 + 0.75 x 0.4 = 90%

Section EDR

The section EDR is the average EDR of all Units, Mini Exams, and Simulated Exams, adjusted to a max of 80% if any unit/exam has not reached 80%.


  • F1: 100%
  • F2: 100%
  • F3: 100%
  • F4: 100%
  • F5: 100%
  • F6: 40%
  • ME1: 80%
  • ME2: 90%
  • ME3: 0%
  • SE1: 0%
  • SE2: 0%

FAR EDR = AVG (0.8; 0.8; 0.8; 0.8; 0.8; 0.4; 0.8; 0.8; 0; 0; 0) = 54.55%

Since F6 has not reached EDR, and ME3 and SE 1 and 2 were not attempted yet, all the other units and exams EDR percentages are adjusted to a maximum of 80%.

What is the Exam Tracker?

The Becker Exam Tracker is a tool that students can use to track the exam dates and scores for each CPA/CMA exam.

By setting their exam dates, students get an exam date countdown on the course homepage to help them keep track of how many days left they have until the exam date.

For CPA-only, the Exam Tracker also helps students tracking the 18-month window to pass all four CPA exam sections.